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Article: Have It Your Way...

Have It Your Way...

Have It Your Way...

We all have our personal comfort zones and having our nails done is no different, communication and experience is the key. 

After 25 years as a nail tech/stylist I have tried and learnt all ways along with the pro's and con's. My Pro is always the integrity of the natural nail and what you are comfortable with.  I have always used an Efile with file heads imported from America that are the most advanced to work with the natural nail without causing damage.  Applying the Acetone and cotton wool method is also as effective as long as gentle removal is used, this method can take a little longer and be more drying for the cuticles but both work and there is no right or wrong way, it is all in the experience you have with using an Efile and removal.

I always have your best interests at heart :

- caring for the natural nail

- lasting results

- time to get you back on the road

So the choice is yours.... If you do have any questions regarding both of these methods send me your question in the comments section below.

See you soon for beautiful lasting nails.

Maria XO


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